Tips for Keeping Your Skin Clear During Travel to Eastern or Western Destinations

When it comes to the California climate, some individuals are blessed with a beautiful and radiant facial appearance – a fresh and hydrated complexion, a subtle radiance, and even a smattering of adorable freckles – that tempts them to capture a natural selfie without any filters. Sadly, my experience with the California weather has not been as favorable. Despite my strong connection with the state, as I make the journey to visit my sisters multiple times a year, California has not been so generous to me. In fact, over the past three years, my face has been plagued with an unexpected surge of blemishes that persist until I return to the east coast. Astonishingly, this is not merely a coincidence.

According to Dr. Shari Marchbein, a reputable dermatologist based in New York City, traveling can wreak havoc on your skin. Changes in air quality, humidity levels, water quality, and disruptions to your usual routine can all contribute to skin problems. If you already have sensitive skin, eczema, or acne, you’re even more susceptible to these issues. So, it’s important to be aware of how your skin may react to different environments while you’re on the move.

Even skin experts like Lara Devgan, MD, a board-certified plastic surgeon in New York City, are not immune to skin issues caused by travel. In fact, Dr. Devgan can relate, as she frequently visits her parents in Santa Monica and has definitely faced her fair share of skin troubles. For her, the main concerns are dryness and irritation. So, even the professionals have to deal with these pesky problems on the go!

According to Dr. Devgan, our skin is an organ that thrives when it is balanced. Just like any other organ in our body, it operates at its best when it is in a state of equilibrium. Imagine our home environment as a tiny world filled with its own microorganisms, similar to a little microbiome. When we disrupt the natural conditions of this world, it’s like causing a small earthquake in our environment. And just like with earthquakes, there are aftershocks that follow. In this case, the aftershocks manifest as irritation, dermatitis, and acne on our skin. So, what’s the solution? Well, it’s all about adjusting our skincare routine to incorporate products that maintain the harmonious state that our skin is familiar with and loves. To better understand the causes of skin issues like acne and eczema while traveling, I consulted with experts who shared their valuable insights on how to effectively treat and prevent these problems.

As soon as you step foot on that plane or even before you leave for your trip, your skin could decide to cause some trouble. It’s not just the stress of planning and preparing that can lead to breakouts – even the act of traveling by plane can wreak havoc on your complexion. Those long hours spent wearing a mask on the flight can take a toll on your skin, but it’s important to keep it on for your safety.

Sure, wearing makeup is a personal choice, and there’s nothing wrong with that. However, it’s important to consider that when you wear a mask, it has a higher chance of trapping oils, dirt, and sweat on your skin. This can lead to clogged pores and, ultimately, the formation of acne. Dr. Marchbein warns that the air quality on airplanes tends to have low humidity, which can make your skin feel dry. So, if you do decide to wear makeup while flying, keep in mind that it may have an impact on your skin.

Have you ever noticed that when the weather is super dry or incredibly humid, your skin tends to act up? It’s like your skin is screaming out for attention, right? Well, according to dermatologist Dr. Nancy Samolitis, this is no coincidence. In dry conditions, the moisture in your skin gets sucked away, leaving you feeling parched, sensitive, and with a weakened skin barrier. It’s like your skin is being stripped of its defenses against the elements. Dr. Samolitis, based in the sunny city of Los Angeles, knows a thing or two about skin, and she warns us that extreme weather conditions can really take a toll on our precious skin. So, if you want to keep your skin happy and healthy, it’s important to pay attention to the climate around you.

Extreme humidity is the opposite end of the climate spectrum. It can lead to troublesome consequences for your skin when combined with intense heat. Just imagine the havoc it can wreak! Oil, makeup, pollution, and other impurities have a tendency to accumulate on the surface of your skin, resulting in those pesky breakouts we all dread. So, it’s important to be aware of the impact humidity can have on our skin and take necessary measures to combat it.

You’d be surprised at how the water flowing from your faucet can affect your skin. Depending on where you live, the amount of minerals in the water can vary greatly. Take New York, for instance, where I currently reside. The water here is considered “soft,” which means it contains minimal amounts of calcium and magnesium. On the other hand, California has “hard” water, which is rich in calcium and magnesium. These variations in mineral levels can have a profound impact on your skin.

According to Dr. Anjali Mahto, a dermatologist and author of The Skincare Bible, research indicates that hard water can potentially trigger or worsen skin conditions like eczema and increase skin sensitivity. This occurrence can be attributed to a couple of factors. Firstly, the presence of calcium and magnesium ions in hard water can bind with surfactants, which are ingredients found in soaps and cleansers. As a result, these formulations become insoluble and tend to linger on the skin, leading to irritation.

Let’s talk about hard water and how it can mess with your skin. You see, hard water has this thing called alkalinity, which basically messes with the pH balance of your skin. Now, I’m not saying it’s gonna give you eczema out of nowhere, but it can definitely mess with your skin’s defense system and make existing eczema worse. It can even leave your skin feeling dry as a bone. Dr. Mahto knows what’s up, and she says hard water can really mess with your skin barrier. So be careful and watch out for this sneaky troublemaker.

When you travel to new places, you may encounter unfamiliar skin problems that arise due to changes in your lifestyle. Dr. Marchbein suggests that these issues could be triggered by alterations in your diet or an increase in alcohol consumption, which might cause breakouts. Additionally, neglecting to drink sufficient water can lead to dehydration of the skin, while abandoning your usual skincare routine can rejuvenate previous skin concerns. So, it’s important to be aware of how these factors can impact your skin and take the necessary steps to maintain its health while on the go.

If you have sensitive skin or are prone to acne, it’s important to stick to your skincare routine, even when you’re on the go. Dr. Marchbein warns that even just one day of not using your acne medicines can lead to breakouts. So, make sure you pack all your skincare products and stay consistent with your routine wherever you are. Don’t let traveling disrupt your efforts to keep your skin clear and healthy!

I couldn’t help but wonder if other travelers had experienced random acne outbreaks like me, so I reached out to Sofie Pavitt, an aesthetician based in New York City. To my relief, Pavitt confirmed that this is indeed a common issue. During our conversation, we delved into my skincare concerns, and together, we pinpointed the root of the problem. Apparently, my battle with California acne began approximately three years ago when I moved closer to the beach, where the air was constantly humid. As a result, my bath towels never got completely dry in my apartment. While some level of humidity is beneficial for the skin (I even use a humidifier in my room on the east coast), my skin wasn’t accustomed to such high levels of moisture. Adding to that, I continued using heavy moisturizers that I had relied on to combat dryness in the past. Therefore, it’s no wonder that my skin started producing more oil.

You know what Dr. Devgan was talking about when it comes to taking care of your skin’s mini-environment? It’s all about adjusting your skincare routine to combat those pesky new environmental factors that might make your skin go haywire. So, how do you actually do that? Let me break it down for you.

When you’re up in the air, Dr. Marchbein suggests avoiding the use of any cosmetics to avoid pore congestion. She advises that if you’re not comfortable going makeup-free during your flight, you can bring along cleansing wipes for a long duration journey and remove your makeup before takeoff. However, this doesn’t imply that she suggests going completely without any face coverage. Since you’ll be at a higher altitude, the exposure to UV rays will be more intense compared to being on the ground. Therefore, it’s essential to apply sunscreen to shield your skin from the harmful effects of the sun.

Dr. Marchbein recommends choosing a sunscreen that has at least SPF 30. One of our favorites that won a 2021 Best of Beauty Award is the Melé No Shade Sunscreen Oil.

If you’re headed somewhere with scorching temperatures and lots of humidity, Dr. Marchbein suggests ditching your usual moisturizer and opting for something lighter. This will help prevent your pores from becoming clogged and causing breakouts (trust me, I know from personal experience). When Pavitt’s clients seek her advice on skincare products, she considers their location or travel destination in order to make the best recommendations.

She emphasizes the importance of addressing skin congestion in hot and humid weather conditions, and suggests using ingredients such as salicylic acid to thoroughly cleanse and unclog pores. According to her recommendation, I became a fan of iS Clinical’s Cleansing Complex, a gentle exfoliating cleanser that harnesses the power of salicylic acid.

Dr. Marchbein emphasizes the significance of being cautious about acne medication while traveling. A sudden change in timing can lead to acne breakouts. Therefore, it is essential to adhere to a consistent schedule, even when crossing time zones. Regardless of your location, if you usually take a pill at 2 p.m. ET, continue taking it at 2 p.m. ET without fail. Remember, even a two-hour deviation can have an impact, so be mindful of maintaining consistency to avoid any unwanted skin issues.

Is it already too late to prevent acne? If you’re looking to tackle breakouts head-on, Dr. Devgan recommends using chemical exfoliants like her Alpha Beta Hydroxy Pads. These pads are fortified with salicylic, glycolic, and lactic acid, which work wonders in addressing acne concerns and reducing redness and inflammation.

Dr. Samolitis suggests the use of skincare products that contain ingredients to protect and repair the skin barrier while also locking in moisture. It’s always a wise choice. These products can be incorporated into your daily routine or even increased to two or three times daily if necessary. For optimal hydration, she advises applying a hyaluronic acid serum that effectively traps moisture in the skin. One highly acclaimed product in this category is the AHC Aqualuronic Serum, renowned for its Best of Beauty award. By combining hyaluronic acid, French sea water, and ceramides, it excels at retaining moisture. Pavitt emphasizes the importance of focusing on hydration, layering, and occlusives to achieve the desired results.

According to Dr. Marchbein, having dry air can cause your skin to become more sensitive. In order to combat this, she recommends switching to more gentle skincare products like CeraVe’s facial cleansers and Moisturizing Cream. She also suggests that you may need to adjust your acne topicals and retinoids usage, decreasing the frequency to twice a week instead of every night. These changes will help your skin better tolerate the products and prevent any potential irritation.

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Concerned about the challenges of dealing with “hard” water when you reach your destination? Don’t fret! Although investing in a pricey and cumbersome water filter or softener may seem like the only solution, there are actually some easy alternatives to safeguard your skin. According to Dr. Mahto, you can opt for non-foaming cleansers, gently dab your skin dry after bathing or showering instead of vigorously rubbing it, and promptly moisturize thereafter to effectively seal in hydration. These simple yet effective steps will help keep your skin in tip-top shape without breaking the bank or inconveniencing yourself.

To put it simply, pay attention to your skin. Treat it with care and be ready to modify your skincare routine as soon as you notice any signs of acne or sensitivity. By doing so, you’ll be in good shape. And don’t forget to stay tuned for my unfiltered selfie.

Looking to up your skin-care game? Look no further! In this article, we’ve got all the insider tips to help you take your routine to new heights. We’ll discuss everything from finding the right products to mastering the perfect application techniques. So, are you ready to dive in and discover the secret to radiant, healthy skin? Keep reading to unlock all the juicy details!

Just finished reading? Well, now it’s time to dive into the world of skincare with the expert guidance of a dermatologist! Picture this – a professional taking you through their personalized skincare routine, sharing tips and tricks to achieve that flawless and radiant skin. It’s like having a friendly chat with your go-to skincare guru, learning valuable insights along the way. So, without further ado, get ready to be enthralled by the secrets of a dermatologist’s skincare regimen. Trust me, this is one video you don’t want to miss!

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